Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Making Brioche

About once a week or so, one of my friends visits for "French movie day." Tomorrow is such a day. Normally, I try to make some nice food, but tomorrow I have to return to work after a month off. Yesterday I had jury duty, so my in-laws served pizza for lunch and I whipped up vegetarian sausage (Morningstar) sandwiches on homemade bread (wheat biscuit for the daughter, and the failed rye rolls for her father and I) and the Greenbean Caesar I made the night before. We ate the entire pound of greenbeans!

Today we have a fairly open day. I'm thinking of making some sort of burritos for lunch with the leftover beans from Sunday. And dinner might be Wegmans boxed mac and cheese with a vegetable as there is a summer reading craft project at the library that begins at 4 p.m.

I brewed some decaffeinated unsweetened tea. And my daughter and I started brioche. It may be ready for dinner tonight. If not, I had planned it as lunch for my friend. I have brie in the fridge that I bought at the warehouse club. It's American double cream brie, instead of French triple, but budget is important these days.

I can get about a 1/3 pound of real imported triple cream brie at Wegmans for about $5. At the warehouse club, about a pound of imported brie is $9. Slightly more than a pound of the American brie is $6.50.

My brioche process comes from the Paris Cookbook by Patricia Wells. It's been listed in this blog before, click on 'French' or 'Paris Cookbook' or 'brioche' or 'Patricia Wells.'

My daughter took some photos of me starting the brioche. I have included some here.

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