Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cinnamon sugar toast

It's a snowy, slushy day. And we have next to no everyday items like milk and eggs. I made some gorgeous multigrain bread yesterday (and brought it to class where the professor very adeptly sliced it into equal slices for the entire class).

My bread is one of my wheat-white-rye concoctions...

My daughter asked for something hot for breakfast so I made my stepmother's specialty: toast with cinnamon sugar. My stepmother does not cook, and when I first visited their house she would offer me toast with cinnamon sugar. I had never had it before so it was an incredible treat.

Today, I made the same thing for my daughter, with real butter, on homemade multigrain bread.

1 comment:

  1. I make that at least twice a week. It's a breakfast staple here.
