Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to do?

I have been plagued with hunger again lately. Part of this is because I haven't eaten enough at meal times before I get hungry... So in that case it's my own fault.

Yesterday, I had apple fritter toast followed by my homemade nut-heavy granola. Recognizing this as carb-heavy, I had the last two eggs from the farm... and was starving an hour later. My daughter suggested a trip to Wawa, and my husband suggested red meat...

I didn't have any better ideas.

With guilt in my heart, I ordered myself a roast beef sandwich with cheddar on an everything bagel with lettuce, tomato, pepper, oregano, and creamy horseradish sauce and a big old side of potato chips. I was satiated and didn't eat for the rest of the day. But I hate the prospect of resorting to nitrate-laden, processed lunch meat. What specifically satiated me? The heavy caloric content? The massive amounts of protein? The fat?

Hmmm... maybe I'll make some huge veggie sandwich with avocado and sprouts and see if that has a similar effect. There must be healthier ways to feed my body... without resorting to piles of soy analog sandwich products or processed meat.

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