Sunday, July 10, 2011

Using the sun

Although I don't have the right ingredients, and we all know I never do, I decided to harness the power of the sun and make new pickles. Gayle did some research and sent her mom's recipe, which I posted here.

We don't have pickle cukes, but since we have some from the farmers market and they are super fresh and crisp. I plan on eating these later today or tomorrow so I'm not worried about them getting soggy.

While looking in the basement for my spare butter dishes, I found one of those really big jars which I washed out and started a batch of sun tea in.

I went out to the garage and retrieved my Ball jars, the pint sized ones. Washed one and put some garlic, probably too much, and a big handful of dill from the garden in the bottom. Added salt. Had the child fill it with cucumber slices and tossed in some carrot sticks.

Poured in some apple cider vinegar, filled the rest of the jar with water, layered the lids on, shook it well, and put it in the sun beside the tea.

Now, we wait.


  1. I'm glad you're trying these.

    Like I said in the original email, the recipe I sent wasn't moms. I couldn't find it. That one was from the Noise Nation Cookbook (Pat Golden).

    I was raised in a house where we canned a lot. My mom was all about following the instructions to a T. Canning, like baking, is all about the science. So when I see you flying loosy-goosy with a canning recipe I get a little worried.

    I don't think much will happen with the carrots. I think they might be as hard coming out as they were when they went in.

  2. Actually, it wasn't the original email, it was the comment section of the original post.

  3. Sorry about the mix-up. I am loosy goosy, it'll be okay. ;-)

  4. The pickles and the carrots are fantastic! And I love that Gayle has become my roving reporter highjacking my blog and adding pictures. I'm very frustrated by my lack of Internet-- but the only thing I miss is keeping the blog pictures current.

  5. THEY WERE DELICIOUS. Even the carrots. I ate them in the hall outside of the bookstore and gave the "stock guy" the container back. I rinsed it in the water fountain.

    I'm thinking jars of carrot chips ....
