Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fred the Bread II

Anyone who has hang-ups regarding following a recipe and letting their creative juices flow should bake with a small child. Small children are good, in general, for any hang-up adults have. But that's another story.

My friend Gayle has been working diligently keeping "Fred the Bread" alive... This is the earlier post on Fred:

I told her I would gladly take some Fred to bake, not to nurture into more sourdough starter. I asked for enough for three loaves. I got three cups, which is twice what I asked for. To make things more fun, my husband rearranged my kitchen and we could only find two loaf pans.

So we made "Fred the Fruitcake" and "Fred in a cake pan."

In addition to the help of a five-and-a-half year old child, I also ran out of oil.

So Fred the fruit cake turned out to be a loaf with dried cherries and slivered almonds, nutmeg, and funky applesauce. I ran out before I was content with the fullness of the second loaf pan so I added some of "Fred in a cake pan," which was a loaf with butter instead of oil...

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