Thursday, July 22, 2010

Appetizer Sandwiches

I made multigrain bread this morning, and for lunch we had hot bread and leftover beef stew/beouf Borgogne with the garden greenbeans from the freezer. We still have some for lunch tomorrow.

Now, husband (wonderful husband) is concocting little tuna melts on the bread, and I believe little pork sandwiches with the leftover loin from last night, and the Italian salad kit from Dole. Oh, and small servings of Kraft Mac and Cheese with peas leftover from some other day.

We are nearing desperate lack of groceries, but he gets paid tomorrow so I'm trying to get by on what's in the house. Most of what is in the house is meat from a friend who gave us a care package, and I'm not that into meat.

I had considered spaghetti and sausage for tonight, but we don't have sauce and we ate all the fresh tomatoes from the garden.

I was about to charge a pizza when husband decided to make fancy little sandwiches with salad. It will be interesting to see his concoctions.

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