Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 4 of school

I'm not one of those moms who likes school. I like having my daughter home. Getting a child ready for school
is the most exhausting activity in my life. I walk two miles by 9:30 a.m. and only half of that comes from the literal walk to school. The other half comes from the circles I walk and the stairs I climb getting child ready for school.

I'm wearing a pedometer today.

I fed my child a breakfast of Chobani black cherry yogurt, homemade granola, animal crackers and Very Vanilla Silk soy milk.

While she ate that, I could have joined her with my own yogurt. But no. It's chicken nuggets- ham and cheese- or - PB&J day in the school cafeteria and child requested a Mom-packed lunch. What'd I pack?

- 100 % juice "punch"
- leftover sizzling chicken and cheese from the TGIFridays dinner we had with my dad last night. That involved the hot lunch bowl.
- homemade fruit salad with tangerines, banana and raspberries (see recipe below)
- cloth napkin
- kid fork

Now, normally my fruit gets a Vouvray sauce like this:

But since child isn't a huge fan of white wine I adapted the sauce to this:
- 2 tablespoons Vouvray (sweet desserty white wine)
- 2 tablespoons local honey
- 2 tablespoons cran-pomegranate juice
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoons juice of fresh raspberry juice from the bottom of the raspberry bowl (more if you have it)

1 comment:

  1. Well you only have one lunch to make. My mother did it assembly line style there was so many lunches to pack for school/work. I believe everyone got the same thing. If you didn't like it, you traded it! I don't think she ate till we were all gone!

    Have you seen the commercial....of course you didn't, no tv ... I don't know what they are advertising, but the line is "do you think your kids are eating the veggies you pack. They pan to the cafeteria and a table of boys. One has his fingers up like a goal post, the other one is pelting carrots over it. It's quite funny. I can see kids doing that. You and Jamie Oliver would be appalled. (you should watch the "food revolution" on the net).

    Poor ad though, because I haven't a clue what they are selling.
