Saturday, February 13, 2010

How I make my French press coffee

I prepared a cup of coffee for my friends Kev and Tracy with my new coffee pot, and they became enamored with the ritual of it. So, they purchased their own and I've been asked to share my wisdom as to how I prepare mine.

1. Fill the tea kettle and set to boil.
2. Carefully measure and grind your beans, if preparing your own. You don't want them fine, you want them fairly large but yet smooth.
3. Put the beans in the pot.
4. When the water boils, remove it from heat and let rest for 2 minutes or so. You never want to pour bubbling boiling water into a delicate glass carafe. I call this the lesson of exploding pyrex and glass pitchers.
5. Once the water settles, pour the appropriate amount of water slowly into the carafe. I pour mine in thirds with a rest at each third. At each rest, I swirl the pot with my wrist gently. Before the final pour, I use a wooden spoon to stir the coffee if I feel it necessary. Never use metal in your delicate glass carafe. I then pour the final third of water in, using it to rinse the spoon and the coffee still clinging to it.
6. Fit the lid.
7. Set a timer for at least five minutes. I start with six.
8. While waiting for the timer, prepare your cups with milk and sugar.
9. When the timer beeps, slower depress the plunger.
10. Pour.

1 comment:

  1. Marth's Living March issue has herbal infustions
    in it using a french roast pot. I think they would make great ice tea.
