Thursday, June 13, 2013

Old Fashioned Popcorn

I decided to show my daughter how we did things in the old days and make popcorn on the stove. We have a bag of real kernel Boy Scout popcorn and some coconut oil, so why not?

The recipe I found on Simply Recipes for "Perfect Popcorn" said to heat 3 tablespoons high smoke oil for 1/3 cup popcorn. There was a footnote to add the seasonings into the oil so that they spread evenly. 

I saw another note that said to use a stir fry pan so the kernels pop out and away from the heat. That way they won't burn. 

We added cinnamon which burned horribly in the hot coconut oil. Oops. Smoke alarm going off ridiculously. 

We only used half the amount for everything for the first batch-- good thing since we had the burning incident. Second batch was perfect. We didn't add anything.

The basic method: heat the oil, add three kernels as a test. Cover with a lid, leaving it ajar. When they pop, add an even row of kernels and remove from hear.

Count to 30 so the kernels heat evenly. Return to heat and wait for pop.

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