Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wild scallion butter sauce

My daughter has taken an interest in the wild scallions that grow in the yard so I decided we would try and pick one.

We did.

And now I'm going to chop it, mix it with about one teaspoon each of extra virgin olive oil and butter and brush it over the fresh asparagus before we roast it.

I also checked our perennial herb garden. The sorrel is back in full force, the parsley has reseeded itself, the oregano and chives have fresh growth.


  1. I made chicken salad for lunch and was able to use tarragon, chives, and parsley for it from my pots on the deck. The parsley and rosemary lasted through the winter.

  2. That's awesome! I keep meaning to plant kitchen herbs, just like I mean to start my garden plants from seed but it never happens. Or I forget to water them. Or the cats eat them.
