Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vega plant-based tropical tango smoothie

I expect today to be one of my less active days. I work less than six hours as a closer tonight (probably yield walking about 4 miles). I'm doing laundry and studying for my GREs. A week from today! 

I might even consider skipping today's protein shake sample and review... But yesterday was fairly intense exercise-wise, doing c25k in the morning, then weights and then working 1 to 9:30 p.m. at the store. I burned about 900 extra calories doing all that so needless to say, I ate four meals instead of three yesterday: breakfast, protein shake, lunch, early dinner and late dinner (with dessert). 

My main plans for today are laundry, a lunch date and taking daughter to Girl Scouts. I decided to have one of the lighter protein shakes today because 1. According to my calorie counter I had a deficit of 12 grams protein yesterday so while my activity level may not require it today, I will assume my body is still recovering.
2. A mid morning protein shake is a better choice than something like french fries at the diner today.
3. I was really anxious to try this one.

Now, the ingredients scare me a little. So many vegetables... What will this taste like?

It wouldn't dissolve well no matter how hard I shook. But even the lumps tasted fine.

Yup. This one definitely could be a nice addition to a fruit smoothie.

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