Friday, March 8, 2013

Garden prep 2013

Every year I try to tame my tiny backyard into a fruitful garden. Every year in early May I'm frantically planting seeds and trying to find plants.

Not this year. I went to Target tonight and bought $35 (before my employee discount) of garden products. I am turning my sun porch into a greenhouse.

If you followed by crazy urban garden last year, you know it was a helter skelter mix of everything from eggplant to sweet corn.

The tortoise ate all the peas. The watermelon disappeared. The cantaloupe never bore fruit.

This year I bought a slew of organic Burpee seeds, a ready to go seedling flat and a bag of potting mix. I plan to get more containers I've been saving in the garage and as soon as the ground thaws, I'm digging out some compost.

So what did I buy?

- cilantro
- basil
- rosemary

( I love herbs )

- spinach
- lettuce
- cucumber
- Oregon sugar peas
- tomato
- squash (dark green zucchini)
- watermelon
- radish

1 comment:

  1. I remember those day. It was so fun. But I don't do it any more. Maybe I'll try something in pots.
