Friday, February 27, 2015

Grape Nuts Chicken

As I left for work today, now remember I headed in for day seven of seven at six thirty this morning, my daughter asked me if she could have her new BFF over for dinner.

New BFF. New this week. Have I mentioned that this middle school thing is hitting ME hard? Apparently, this school year's original BFF has moved to another social group.

It's amazing how the social behavior of tween and teen girls doesn't end in PTSD. I think I might me having a few flashbacks just seeing what my daughter is starting to go through.

So, I raided the meats on clearance. Four pounds of ground beef, on sale this week, discounted for quick sale, AND I had a cartwheel. I think each pound ended up being about $2.50. Then I hit the chicken. Two family packs of chicken breasts (2 pounds each), with discount price and cartwheel, equalled about $6 each. I also got a small pack of Bare chicken breasts. $3. That was what we had tonight.

So, the friend thing wasn't definite. I put all my superstitious traditions into effect. I wore ratty sweatpants, didn't clean and didn't make extra food.

The friend accepted the invite.

This recipe feeds three, but I made it work for four. I just trimmed a "finger" off each breast after cooking and kept that for my serving.

I used to have a promotional Kraft cookbook and in it was a Grape Nut chicken. I looked online and found a salty/crispy version. But I didn't quite like the idea of adding salt as my salt content has been ridiculous lately... So I made my own variation. 

Preheat oven to 425.

The ingredients:
• 3 chicken breasts
• mayonnaise 
• Dijon mustard
• blackstrap molasses
• grape nuts cereal
• ginger

I lightly oiled the bottom of my dish with extra virgin olive oil.

I mixed about a tablespoon each of the mustard and mayo. I added about 1 1/2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses and mixed into a sauce.

I brushed both sides of the chicken very heartily and placed them in the dish.

I sprinkled with ginger.

I then coated the top with grape nuts.

Bake for 35 minutes. Let stand 5-10 minutes as you nag your daughter to come set the table.

It was so delicious & juicy. I'm sad I didn't make more. And it's rich in iron and protein.

I ate mine with leftovers of last night's stew.

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