Thursday, November 25, 2010

Meat as lazy cooking

Perhaps today is the wrong day to ponder this, but on the other hand... It's perfect.

I spent about a decade as a vegetarian and a few months as a vegan. I hate cooking meat. Always have. The only way I can force myself to touch meat is to prepare French recipes. Because the French will eat anything they can catch.

But I cook primarily vegetarian. Own mostly vegetarian & vegan cookbooks. I've taken vegan cooking classes and subscribed to vegetarian and vegan publications.
(The Vegetarian Resource Group ~ ~ is the BEST... My dream is to attend their annual vegan fundraiser dinner in Baltimore)

Anyway, my veg*nism stemmed from my own dislike of meat, my health concerns & distrust of modern factory farming practices. I try to buy meats from local farms now, and I still don't use much meat (maybe once a week). Being unemployed also reduced some of my commitments... But eating veg*n is way cheaper than meat... And I still try not to feed my family food with ingedients I can't read.

I fail often. But I try.

Today, I made my apple stuffing. I converted my recipe to one for the crockpot, and that meant adding broth to it to keep it moist. I used chicken broth. I would prefer vegetable, but I didn't have any and to tell the truth, I'm confused why I had chicken broth.

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